There's a story in the Bible where these 3 guys are being forced by this king to do something they didn't want to do. After a few warnings they are threatened to either obey the king or die. Well, they still refuse to obey so they're tied up and thrown in a fiery furnace. The Bible says the furnace was so hot that the men throwing them in were killed. End of story right?
What happens next is amazing and confusing at the same time! The king looks into the fire and says, "Um...didn't we tie up 3 men and throw them into the fire, because now they're walking around in the fire and there's a 4th guy!" Could you imagine? 4 guys walking around in the middle of a very hot fire, not burned, not harmed, perfectly fine! God came to their rescue and literally saved them from death!
What amazes me about this story is not just that God saved them, but God was WITH them. God, in human form, came down to be WITH them! God could've saved them without being there. He's God right? But he chose to be WITH them! Our story is not very different, as we go through "fires" in our own lives. Times that are difficult, where we are not sure if we'll make it to the other side. Guess What? It's in those times that God chooses to be WITH us! He's there in the fire with us! You are never alone in the fire! It doesn't matter how you got in the fire, the important thing is that God is right there with you, and He loves you more deeply than you could ever imagine! HE'S RIGHT THERE! God will do what He's done for these 3 guys, He will walk through the fire with you, He will rescue you, and He will save you! You are not alone.